“The spirit of Christ is the spirit of missions. The nearer we get to Him, the more intensely missionary we become.” —Henry MartynDiscovering the Call to Missions Several years ago, as I got more...
How $100 Turned Into a Church Plant in Africa
What if we told you that we have more in common with our brothers and sisters in Africa than you might realize? Dawn, a woman in her thirties who lives in the United States, and Dimitu, a young...
Why did Jesus Need a Boy’s Lunch to Solve the Problem?
"God wants us to get some skin in the gameand to help make a tangible difference." - Bob GoffJohn writes in John 6: 5-8 “When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, he said to...
Taking New Territory | Northern Uganda
Jesus tells us to go into all the world and preach the gospel, and He is sending Petros Network to a new region...
Meet Mirriam | The Call Is For Everyone
On this International Women's Day, we celebrate the women among Petros Network's indigenous missionaries. These...
Where the Good News is Joy is Found
Hope is the gift that keeps on giving. One of the first gifts that hope offers to people is JOY... We see that quite dramatically in the story of Christ’s birth. When the angel showed up on that...
Good News For Women
God cares about women! Women are not second-class citizens of His Kingdom. In the parts of the world where the Petros Network shares and shows the transforming love of Jesus, the darkness is...
Hope For an Entire Village
Daily Difficulty in Myanmar Myanmar's February 2021 coup has tumbled through the media and news sources with emotionally devastating updates. Six months later, the ripple affecting the Burmese...
Rural Church Planters Given Bicycles
My Only Choice Is I Must Walk... At a recent training event, the African church planter was excited! It had been several months since he was able to share his field report face-to-face and there...