Church Planting Among the Unreached

— how Redemptive Lift happens —

It starts with an indigenous leader who plants a church in an unreached community.


An icon representing a church


We plant churches.

We equip local leaders to share the Good News in remote, hard-to-reach places throughout the developing world.

An icon representing two hands holding a flower which has heart inside.


We meet needs.

We demonstrate God’s heart by offering practical solutions to extreme poverty, intense physical needs, and persecution.

An icon representing a cross sign.


We watch God move.

Healthy church plants multiply themselves — resulting in hundreds of thousands of lives transformed.

A 3-minute overview of our work.

An icon representing a church.

Share Hope

Indigenous leaders introduce the Gospel in highly persecuted places.

We’ve spent a decade refining a proven, strategic approach to tell the world about Jesus. The approach revolves around equipping indigenous leaders to plant reproducing churches that share the Good News of Jesus in underserved, unreached communities, thereby initiating the Redemptive Lift Cycle.

Here’s how:



We identify, train, and equip our leaders.

First, we carefully select each church planter and interview them face-to-face.

Once we’re sure they align with the Petros Network mission, we provide comprehensive training, including an indepth understanding of the Redemptive Lift Cycle, that empowers them to be change agents in every facet of their communities.

And while on the field, missionary church planters are assigned a field coordinator who walks alongside them, charts their progress, maintains status reports, and gives ongoing encouragement and support.


We’re often asked, “How do you select church planters?” We work with multiple denominations and partners to carefully select our leaders. A church planter is:


  • An indigenous leader to the people they are reaching
  • Mature in God’s Word, and able to accurately proclaim it through preaching and teaching ministry.
  • Teachable, respectable, faithful, and honest and passionate to reach lost people with self-sacrificial love and care.
  • Able to complete a strategic plan for their ministry and equip others to join them in that work.
  • Have demonstrated experience in organizing and leading programs, groups, and individuals.
  • And, they are willing to be accountable to their sending church and Petros Network throughout the process.
Then, offer three years of training & support.

The leaders work within our “incubator” for three years, which offers:

  • a monthly stipend,
  • ongoing discipleship and guidance,
  • and needed materials.

During this time, leaders are also offered work training and startup funds to build their own sustainable businesses. The new income is designed to replace and exceed their stipend so they can continue the ministry once the three year program is complete.

So, they can continue the work on their own.

Once the three year program is complete, leaders are returned to their denomination as a sustainable church.

At that point, it’s not uncommon to see the original church plant birth two to three more churches in nearby communities.

In other words, the impact is exponential.

Our goal is to have a thriving church planted within walking distance of every person, then build it up so it can be the catalyst for change in the community.

An icon representing two hands holding a flower which has heart inside.

Show Hope

Church planters don’t just share the Gospel, they make it practical.

We walk alongside and train indigenous leaders to leverage their influence and resources so they can address community needs — human rights, governance, education, health, hygiene, and relief from poverty, intolerance, and persecution.

We call this community transformation redemptive lift.



How the Gospel is shown in partner communities.

The communities we serve often face chronic poverty, food insecurity, limited healthcare, clean water scarcity, harmful cultural practices, and lack of access to education. In these situations, women are often abused and children suffer.

As indigenous church planters in our program live out Kingdom values, they become change agents in all aspects of community life. Along the way, they define and present the unique needs of the communities they serve. When they do, we cultivate a network of investors, community groups, government bodies, and religious sectors to respond with sustainable solutions that best fit the local context of the rural villages.

Our practical solutions lift a community.

Reaching the unreached is synonymous with serving the poor. Unique solutions fit community needs and often include:

  • Empowering women & girls through development training, girls power programs and micro grants,
  • Feeding children and families through food distribution and agriculture initiatives,
  • Protecting children through child sponsorship, access to education, and school feeding programs,
  • Improving health through clinics that provide medical and dental care,
  • Providing clean water by constructing wells and cisterns and offering sanitation training and solar power,
  • Educating out of poverty through developing schools and training teachers, and
  • Responding to unique needs through sports outreach, small business training, transformational leadership development, and construction projects.
You can play a part in showing the heart of God.

As Jesus is shared and shown, all of life in that community lifts for the better. Partners can help fund a compassion project or offer their expertise here at home or on the field.

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An icon representing a cross sign.

Spread Hope

Surrounding communities notice the change.

Our all-encompassing approach empowers church plants to become sustainable in a measured timeframe, creating healthy, multiplying churches that result in transformation that spreads.

In other words, nearby communities want a piece of the hope and change, and our churches know just how to respond.

Trained community leaders reproduce other leaders in Redemptive Lift strategies who continue developing other people — resulting in entire communities transformed.

The Redemptive Lift Cycle is intentional, strategic, and scalable. Best of all, it’s working.

Small investments make great big impact.


Together, we can reach the unreached.

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An icon representing 2 hands holding a plant

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