"Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God." —Corrie Ten Boom What is HOPE? In today’s world, the word hope can mean many different things to many people. But for Christians, the...
International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
What is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church? The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP) is a global event observed annually to unite believers in prayer...
Bringing Unity in South Sudan: A Church Planter’s Testimony
Communities are finding peace,Hearts are being healed,Lives are being transformed.How Faith is Transforming South...
The Gospel Prevails Despite Persecution
Contrasting Religious Freedom: America vs. Ethiopia In America, religious freedom is a fundamental right protected by the Constitution, allowing individuals to practice their faith openly without...
Taking the Gospel to Those Who Have Yet to Hear It
Reaching the REALLY Unreached We recently returned from an incredible trip to Ethiopia, where we journeyed across the country, trained among various people groups, and ventured into new, unreached...
The Impact of Oral Bible Storying in East Africa
How Oral Bible Storying is Transforming East Africa For years, Petros Network distributed Bibles in written form, believing we were doing the right thing to spread the Gospel among the unreached. It...
Bringing Light to the Shadows in Northern Uganda
Joseph Kony, the infamous leader of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), cast a long shadow over Northern Uganda, orchestrating a reign of terror that lasted over two decades. Beginning in the late...
Beatrice’s Garden – A Story of Hope
Families are being fed, Children are being nourished, Villages are beginning to THRIVE.Beatrice Is Harvesting...
Sharing the Good News Through Sustainable Farming
Green fields of maize, eggplant, cabbage, and potatoes fill these once-barren fields in a village outside Torit, South Sudan. Where there once was dirt, now there is enough food to feed a family and...