Who is Petros Network?

Our Mission

Petros Network is a faith-based organization that partners with world-changers like you, to equip indigenous leaders to share, show, and spread the Good News of Jesus among their own people and end spiritual and physical poverty.

An icon representing an arrow pointing upwards.

Who we are.

Our experienced team works diligently to help transform unreached communities through the Redemptive Lift of the Gospel.

An icon representing a cross sign.

What we believe.

We are a non-denominational network of passionate partners who have a common call to create Redemptive Lift around the world.

An icon representing two hands holding a heart.

How we use your gifts.

We honor each donation with the disclosure of all our financial statements, proving that 86 cents of every dollar goes directly to the field.

A woman is standing with his son, and both are smiling towards the camera

Our Beliefs:

We know you have a heart for the most impoverished, vulnerable, and hard-to-reach places on earth.

We do, too.

First and foremost, we are followers and servants of Jesus Christ; we are Christians. Secondly, we are evangelical and adhere to the Statement of Faith of the National Association of Evangelicals as stated below.


The corporation shall abide by the following Statement of Faith:

  • We believe, the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God.
  • We believe, that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • We believe, in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.
  • We believe, that, for the salvation of lost and sinful people, regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential.
  • We believe, in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.
  • We believe, in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.
  • We believe, in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.
  • We believe, that human sexuality is to be expressed only within the context of marriage, that God created man and woman as unique biological persons made to complete each other in the monogamous union of one genetic male and one genetic female.
  • We believe, that human life is sacred from conception to its natural end and thus worthy of concern for physical, emotional, and spiritual needs at all stages of life.

Our Financials

You should know your gift is making maximum impact in a way that aligns with the causes closest to your heart.


An icon representing a gift box.


86 cents of every dollar of your tax-deductible gift goes directly to sharing, showing, and spreading the Gospel.

An icon representing a hand full of hearts.


When communities live out the Redemptive Lift Cycle, their neighbors can’t help but to take notice and, before long, hope spreads like wildfire.

An icon representing two hands holding a plant.


You will receive impact reports that showcase more than just stats. Look forward to celebrating soulful stories of transformation!

Your contribution makes an eternal impact.

Our Team

Dr. Ray and Linda Noah, co-founders of Petros Network, a nonprofit organization that equips indigenous leaders to end spiritual and physical poverty around the world.

How God’s Kingdom works — small beginnings, unlikely sources, invisible activity, irresistible growth — that is the Petros Network story.

– Ray Noah

Dr. Ray and Linda Noah


Ray and Linda Noah have been serving in pastoral ministry for over forty years. Ray has a Master of Arts in Theology from Northwest University and a Doctor of Ministry from the Assembly of God Theological Seminary. Linda has been involved in leadership development in faith and business sectors and is currently completing her Master of Arts in Leadership Studies.

For the past twenty years, Ray and Linda have planted churches in East Africa. In 2012, the success of this church planting effort led the Noah’s to form the Petros Network, a ministry dedicated to planting churches among unreached people groups and equipping these churches and leaders to be catalysts of transformation in the villages in which they are planted.

Currently in five countries, the results of the Redemptive Lift Cycle keeps multiplying.


In 2002, the Blair Foundation, led by Charles Blair, was contacted by the president of the Benishangul-Gumuz Region of Ethiopia. He believed the Gospel was the hope of his region and that through trained leaders and energized local churches his region could be transformed spiritually, socially, and economically.

Within a few months of that important meeting, Ray Noah became president of the Blair Foundation and worked alongside his mentor and friend, Charles Blair, to begin the dream of transforming Africa. Miraculously, within two years, they raised enough money to launch 1,000 churches in rural Ethiopia. Not long after, Charles became ill. Ray and Linda Noah kept going and formed Petros Network to fulfill the vision to launch and disciple 1,000 church planters in Benishangul-Gumuz, Ethiopia.

Today, Petros partners with denominations and organizations to launch efforts in Ethiopia, South Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, and Myanmar, training and empowering a network of in-country leaders serving in underserved, unreached communities.

The impact is exponential. Click to view our impact to date.

How God’s Kingdom works — small beginnings, unlikely sources, invisible activity, irresistible growth — that is the Petros Network story.

– Ray Noah

Petros Network USA Team

Petros Network International Team

Petros Network Boards

Petros Network – USA

Ray Noah
Linda Noah
Ron Cochran
Stan Cooper
Krista Johnson
Doug MacLardy
Vik Rajagopal
Doug Resler
Ron Stokes
Sam Thannickal

Petros Network – Canada

Linda Noah
Kris Brady
Teshome Kelkile
Ashley Rajagopal
Mark Richards


You may still be wondering…



Is my gift tax deductible?
If you itemize your deductions, you may be able to deduct charitable contributions of money or property to qualified organizations. Petros Network has been approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization (45-4131862). Additionally, Petros Network Canada is a qualified registered charity in Canada (80637 7073 RR0001).
How will I know my gift is making a difference?
When you invest with Petros Network, we will report to you the results of the church planter, the widowed woman, and the vulnerable child you have sponsored. We believe that through us, you will experience an unequaled return on missional investment, both in time and in eternity.
How much of my gift goes to overhead?
85% of your gift goes direct to the field. 15% helps us to provide support, mentorship, and build resources for the efforts in the field.
Do you help everyone in the community or just some?
We believe the gospel is for all people, and so are the blessings of his kingdom. This means that through our Redemptive Lift efforts, everyone—Christians and non-Christians alike—in the village where a church is planted will benefit from Kingdom blessings—like health and hygiene practices, medical treatment, clean water, fair governance, women’s empowerment, protection of vulnerable children, feeding initiatives, feeding programs, etc. In our mind, that everyone benefits is simply another metric that reveals the authenticity of the gospel.
Can we reach everyone who doesn’t know Jesus?

Who knows, but we are giving it our best shot. We hope that by our efforts a gospel movement will be unleashed among national churches that will touch every unreached people group with the hope-filled message of the gospel. Will everyone receive Christ? Probably not. But will everyone hear? That is our aim.



Why are there still areas that are unreached?

An Unreached People Group is an ethnic group with less than 2% evangelical presence. An unreached people group lacks enough followers of Christ and resources to evangelize their own people. Today, there are 7,033 unreached people groups.

That means 42.5% of the global population are classified as unreached. joshuaproject.net.

Why do you send indigenous missionaries/church planters?

Jesus commissioned his followers to go into all the world to proclaim the Good News to all creation (Mark 16:15). He even promised that the Holy Spirit would empower his followers to be his witness to the ends—literally, the very last place—of the earth (Acts 1:8). He said the Good News of his saving grace would be preached to all nations—literally, to all the ethnic groups—as a harbinger of the end of the age (Matthew 24:14). Petros Network is simply yet seriously taking Jesus words as our mission.

How do you count and verify new believers?
We require our indigenous church planters to report monthly how many people have responded to the Good News they preached. Our overseers travel to these villages to verify their reports. It varies from denomination to denomination, but many churches do not consider a convert a authentic Christ-follower until they have been baptized in water (Mark 16:16).
What denomination are you?
Petros Network is interdenominational. We work with 114 denominations and a variety of Christian humanitarian organizations to carry out our mission to plant churches among the unreached.
Are there other organizations doing what you’re doing?
Yes and no. No, in the sense that Petros Network has a unique missiology and methodology. But yes, as we are discovering, God is raising up like-minded organizations that are dedicated to reaching the unreached around the world. That fact convinces us that we are a part of a new movement of the Holy Spirit to finish the task of reaching the last place and the past person on earth who has not heard the Good News before Jesus returns.

Still have questions? Let’s talk!

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