Families are being fed, Children are being nourished, Villages are beginning to THRIVE.The Difference A Year Can...
Beatrice’s Garden – A Story of Hope
Families are being fed, Children are being nourished, Villages are beginning to THRIVE.Beatrice Is Harvesting...
Providing Clean Water in Rural Villages
“There are more children who die from lack of access to safe water than by bullets.”—UNICEF Executive Director...
Taking New Territory | Northern Uganda
Jesus tells us to go into all the world and preach the gospel, and He is sending Petros Network to a new region...
Meet Mirriam | The Call Is For Everyone
On this International Women's Day, we celebrate the women among Petros Network's indigenous missionaries. These...
Spring 2021 Trip Report
We are excited to share this trip report with you that we recorded before flying home from 5 weeks of impact in...
100,000 Bibles for the Forgotten People
I magine not having a Bible written in your heart language. 1.5 million people...
Who Will Reach the Unreached?
At a recent training event, Jilo sat among a group of young men commissioned as missionary church planters just six...
Does God Speak Today?
Three years ago, God prophesied that a team from around the world would come and equip the local church to spread...