Providing Clean Water in Rural Villages

by | Feb 24, 2023 | Providing Clean Water, Video

Reading Time: 3 minutes

There are more children who die from lack of access to safe water than by bullets.
—UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore, 2019

Water, it’s the gift of life—literally

Did you know that,

    • over 80% of the disease in developing countries is related to poor drinking water and sanitation
    • 4,500 children die every day from preventable diseases related to a lack of access to clean water, adequate sanitation and hygiene
    • children under five, are on average more than 20 times more likely to die from illnesses linked to unsafe water and bad sanitation, than from conflict.
    • If we did nothing but provide access to clean water, without any other medical involvement, we could save 2 million lives per year

    At Petros Network, we know the importance of clean water to the stability of villages and the health of their citizens. We recognize that water is an essential need and without it every aspect of life is impacted: health, access to food, sanitation, personal well-being, agriculture, economics. When communities don’t have access to life-giving water they are left without hope. But when we send an indigenous missionary to an unreached and underserved village, they help meet the urgent needs of that community. One of those needs is water.

    Water = Hope

    At Petros Network we are in the business of providing hope to unreached communities by sharing, showing and spreading the gospel to the poor and the thirsty and helping meet their basic necessities. One of those is water.

    Through people willing to champion the cause and share it with their friends, Petros Network was able to show the love of Jesus and meet a very critical need—water.

    One such gift of water came from a very special family and their friends, making it possible to drill multiple wells in rural Ethiopia. Like much of East Africa, this region is plagued by tribal conflict, war, drought, disease, and extreme suffering. Hundreds of people have been killed due to conflict and many have died from drought and illnesses linked to unclean water.

    “Safe water and access to proper sanitation are essential to eradicate poverty, build peaceful societies and ensure that no one is left behind on the path towards sustainable development.”

    —UN World Water Development Report

    Communities are forever changed

    But….here, in these unreached, rural villages, multiple communities are thriving because this group of people used their success and wealth to care for the poor and provide for this basic human need—Water! We are so grateful for this amazing life-giving gift of water. Because of this amazing family and their friends, communities are forever changed.

    Make a tangible difference

    If you would like to provide the gift of water to the poor and the thirsty, click the link below.

    $12,000 digs a well, but for just $36 a month, you can show the love of Jesus and meet urgent needs in underserved villages through an indigenous leader.

    “…whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” —John 4:14

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