Hungry Children Are Fed in South Sudan Through Partnership

by | Dec 9, 2023

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Families are being fed,
Children are being nourished,
Villages are beginning to THRIVE.

The Difference A Year Can Make

Recently, we shared with you about the devastation we witnessed in South Sudan. Children were starving. We didn’t see any smiles, none of the children were running and playing. We asked you to help and you came through.

Thanks to you and our strategic partners like Convoy of Hope, we’ve been able to provide over 1,000 kids with a nourishing meal every day at school and even initiated a school garden project!

On this last trip, the children laughed, the teachers smiled and we even held a sports clinic. 

“It’s so exciting to see smiles on our children as they move from malnourished to nourished.”


Our children’s feeding program is a game-changer for this community.

Made Possible Through Partnership

This kind of impact is made possible through partnership! We are grateful for our partnership with Convoy of Hope who helped us launch our children’s feeding program in the difficult area of South Sudan.  And for partners like YOU!

Partner with us today for $36 a month to alleviate spiritual and physical poverty among the unreached or help us fund a compassion project with a one-time gift of $10,000.

We couldn’t do this without the support of passionate partners like YOU!

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