God Always Has a Plan
God is always at work putting the pieces of our lives together for His perfect timing and purpose.
Petros Network’s President, Ray Noah, (pictured left) first met Ethiopian Pastor, Endashaw Kelkele (pictured third), when he served as the Executive Pastor of Calvary Temple in Denver, Colorado in 1990. At the time Calvary Temple was led by the late Charles E. Blair. Pastor Blair had invited Pastor Endashaw to launch a small Ethiopian church inside of Calvary Temple. This led to a great friendship between Pastor Endashaw and Pastor Ray Noah.
Since those early years, Pastor Endashaw has led his fledgling church into a thriving Ethiopian congregation, the Ethiopian Evangelical Church of Denver (EECD), expanding into its own facility and expansive ministry.

However, Pastor Endashaw born in the Borana region of Ethiopia, always maintained a deep passion to serve his people. Pastor Ray and Linda Noah went on to lead Portland Christian Center in Portland, Oregon, and launch the Petros Network. Petros Network has launched over 3500 churches in Ethiopia and led multiple humanitarian projects to break the chronic cycle of poverty in unreached people groups in Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Uganda.
Today, God began stirring the heart of Petros Network’s Leadership Team to expand in the south of Ethiopia. And, as only God can do, Ray Noah and Endashaw Kelkele reunited their friendship for such a time as this. As they began to talk, they realized God had planted in their hearts a similar burden, to reach the unreached of the Borana region.
Brian Pettrey, of the Brooklyn Tabernacle Church, (pictured fourth) has been commissioned to be the US/Canada lead of the Borana Project, and Astarte Kelkele (pictured second) has been selected as the on-site Area Leader and resides in the Borana region.
The Borana Initiative
Petros Network, in partnership with the Ethiopian Evangelical Church of Denver, has joined together to launch a holistic ministry to plant 1000 church planters in the heart of the Borana Region. Borana is located in the south of Ethiopia, allowing the Petros Network a new field of operation that will ultimately lead us to quarter the land into strategic church planting fronts. With God’s help, our dream includes launching 50 new church planters in April of 2018 and then launching 50 new church planters every six months. (Learn about our 3-year process for transformation here) In addition to church planting and leadership development, future efforts include educating out of poverty, empowering women, providing clean water, improving healthcare, and protecting children. Humanitarian efforts are advanced through the leadership of the new church plant.
Only 1% of Missions-Giving Goes to Frontline Ministries like Petros Network.
Now more than ever your support matters. Researchers report that only 1% of every dollar given for missions goes to frontline ministries like Petros Network. The majority of missions-giving goes to areas that have already been reached. Your gift changes lives, and we promise an incredible return on investment.
Just USD 2950 launches a church planter into a never-before-reached village. Sponsors can fund an entire church plant or give a one-time or monthly recurring gift. Every sponsor receives timely reports and gets a front-row seat in watching their church grow.
Every gift helps us to reach our goal!
Church planters are provided three years of living support, six training and development general sessions, mentorship, Bibles, and Discipleship literature. Church planters are encouraged to plant an additional three churches over the five years of their ministry and launch efforts to help the poor in their assigned villages. This makes USD 2950 an incredible return on investment.

Select your missionary church planter and sponsor an entire church for just USD 2950 with your credit card or bank account. It is an A++ investment!
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