Taking the Gospel to Those Who Have Yet to Hear It

by | Jul 18, 2024

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Reaching the REALLY Unreached

We recently returned from an incredible trip to Ethiopia, where we journeyed across the country, trained among various people groups, and ventured into new, unreached territories. This experience was so remarkable that we wanted to share a brief story to help you visualize the amazing work you are supporting through your prayers and contributions among the unreached.

Petros Network - Oral Bible Storying

Our team identified 16 unreached tribes with an evangelism rate of only 0 to 1.7%, according to The Joshua Project. This means that most, if not all, of the people had never heard the Gospel before. We were thrilled about the opportunity to literally go to the ends of the earth, and our hearts raced with anticipation as we embarked on this untouched mission.

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After a 30-hour international flight and another in-country flight, we drove several miles to one of the tribal groups local church leaders had identified as unreached. As we exited the car, our small team was profoundly moved as we surveyed the village. We had entered a community more primitive than any we had ever encountered. The ground was dry and cracked, showing no signs of water. The huts were made of dense grass and lacked tin or any other structural materials. The children were running around without clothes, and the women, while not fully clothed, wore wraps around their waists. Their bodies were scarred with designs, and they wore large earrings and even larger lip plates.

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The chief, draped in a colorful blanket, greeted us. We felt a bit nervous because we had heard this tribe could be unfriendly, and we certainly did not want to upset anyone. After some exchanges through the translator, the chief agreed to let us take photos for a fee. We gladly agreed. This little village was a perfect depiction of where our church planters serve, and for our team, it was breathtakingly beautiful.

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We respectfully walked through the village and bought a few trinkets. The translator generously shared the tribe’s history and some of their ancient traditions with us. Many of the things he shared were gripping — life was really hard for these people, ancient practices were the norm, young girls were not allowed to be educated and promised as wives to the highest bidder, women were customarily disregarded, and life was fragile.

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We experienced a mix of emotions — sadness, hope, love, and even joy — as we considered sharing Jesus’s amazing grace and love with people who had never had a chance to hear about Him before. It was a moment of deep reflection on the impact of our mission and the transformative power of the Gospel.

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After some time, we returned to our training center, which did not disappoint. Local leaders had selected the best church planter candidates. Our requirements were stiff. They had to be from or near to the tribes they were going to reach. They had to speak the dialect, and they had to commit to lay down their very lives. Eventually, we sat down to interview each candidate. Their stories were compelling and full of passion. They shared about their intense calling through visions and dreams and their deep desire to share the love of Jesus with their people. Many of the young men had been raised in the area and within witchcraft families but had miraculously found Jesus. Now, they felt called to share Jesus with their people, and Petros Network’s church planting program provided the training and support to allow them to do just that.

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They told us stories that we had only seen in movies, and we sat in wonder. We prayed over them, and their tears puddled on the cement floor. During the commissioning service, the local leader poured anointing oil over their heads — bottles and bottles of it. They shouted. They danced. We cried. We were humbled and honored to be among these spiritual warriors and thanked God for the privilege of being on the frontlines of His work.

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Petros Network teams work incredibly hard to carry out this rugged spiritual work. It isn’t easy or comfortable, but how can we not go? How can we not share the amazing love of Jesus with those who have never heard? Even when we are exhausted, these questions only linger for a brief moment because we know WE MUST GO.

Together, We Can Reach The Unreached

“But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent?”
— Romans 10:14-15 (NLT)

God has called all of us to His mission. Whether you pray, send, or even go with us on a trip, you are part of God’s mission. Together, we are focusing on what God cares about most: lost people.

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