Make a Difference
Together, we can change the world.
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1. Plant churches
When you plant a church, you provide training and mentorship, Bibles, resources, sustainability grant and a monthly stipend to an indigenous pastor who embeds himself deep into an unreached village and launches a process that results in community-wide Redemptive Lift.
How much does it cost?
$4200 plants one church.
That means:
- $21,000 plants five churches
- $42/mo x 100 people plants one church a month
- $350/mo for 12 months plants one church a year
Petros Network is a 501(c)(3) organization accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability
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2. Fund compassion projects
The church plants are the hub that not only share the Gospel but also show it through initiatives that protect children, empower women, and sustainably meet physical needs.
What kind of projects?
Compassion projects are custom selected, based on the needs of each community and often include:
- Women’s empowerment
- Caring for widows, child brides, and survivors of sex trafficking
- Child sponsorship
- Children’s feeding initiatives
- Sustainable farming
- Small business development
- Clean water
- Healthcare
- Sports outreach
Spread the good news
3. Take a trip with us
Mobilize your church for a life-impacting experience. During these exciting trips, you’ll see firsthand how God is changing lives through church plants in remote, previously unreached areas. We guarantee that you won’t return home the same.