USAid reports “Governments and private organizations have long been using sport as a tool in global development and humanitarian aid because of its ability to transform lives in unique and powerful ways. In fact, there are few areas in development where sport cannot be used as a platform to strengthen communities and improve lives.” Sports, especially team games, are an important part of our lives. In all cultures, whether we are spectators or participants, sports can be universally found. That is why Petros Network includes sports as a catalyst for connecting with the unreached in remote areas of the world. We can share the gospel, develop leaders, build character, expand life skills, and have fun with the help of sports.
Petros Network is always looking for partners to help advance sports and athletics, in particular soccer, long-distance running, and volleyball, as a means of spiritual and social change for children and youth. We are proud to announce a formal partnership with SportsAid. Our partnership officially launches during our Spring 2018 trip to Gojo, Ethiopia, and Eastern Ethiopia. Activities will include sporting events, sports clinics, and humanitarian projects with women and children. Elite athletes will also be involved in training local leaders and church planters. These athletes will use sports to share the gospel and lift the social well-being of extremely remote, ultra-poor communities. Our hope is to not only “do some good” on this trip but establish the groundwork for a long-term relationship. Scholarships are available through SportAid.
Learn About SportAids Spring Trip
Petros Network SportAid
The goal of SportAid is to assist its current agency partners that are already on the ground providing aid, relief, spiritual guidance, and emotional support. SportAid comes alongside these agencies and provides a missing component of the larger life-transforming story that their partners are taking part in. “We have found that in the communities we serve, where their #1 goal is survival, play and sport are pushed aside. However, these people, especially the children, need an outlet to have fun and play. Sports and play transcend language barriers, political divides, socioeconomic categories, and more. These barriers can often make it difficult to establish trust among communities. However, through sports and play, trust and commonality can be established and relationships formed in a powerful way. This is where SportAid becomes so valuable to the mission of Petros Network.
Learn More About SportAid

Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to unite in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they can understand. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair. It is more powerful than governments in breaking down racial barriers. It laughs in the face of all types of discrimination.
— Nelson Mandela