What Only God Can Do

by | Oct 28, 2020

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Our Missionary Church Planters serve as catalysts of HOPE in their communities. For the community, it is HOPE that drives them to seek out these leaders for prayer, and HOPE is what drives the leader to pray even when they dont understand.


A Prayer for Opportunity

The issues facing the East Ethiopian people are fierce – desert locust swarms continue to form, bringing significant damage to crops and people’s livelihoods in addition to the lingering effects of the global pandemic we find ourselves in.  Even so, reports are coming in that unreached people are coming still to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ! Only God can advance His mission amid the challenges facing our world. Praise be to God!  

 Our Missionary Church Planters ask for your prayers. They have specifically requested, “God, give us even more opportunities to share the Good News of Jesus with those who have never heard about you!” 



The Family Safety Net

Among many rural households in East Africa, goats represent the rural community’s social safety net. They represent a marriage dowry and a measure of wealth and prestige.  When one dies or gets hurt, the effects on a family or individual are devastating.  

An Open Door to the Gospel

Pastor Yeredaw, a Petros Network Missionary Church Planter, was presented with an opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ due to one of these animals. In the process, he was reminded of the incredible power of God.


What Only God Can Do

“One day, a few people brought me a goat that was very sick and asked me to pray for it. I wondered why they brought it to me, but l smiled and said, ‘Let God do what He wants to do.’ I received their prayer request and prayed for the goat. Immediately it stood up! This time it wasn’t just the people who were amazed by what God did, but me also! The people who were there asked me many questions, and I was able to give them answers that will hopefully lead them to Jesus.” 



The Authority Over Life and Death

Sometimes during struggles, it’s difficult to see what God is doing. In moments like this, God is always faithful to remind us He is still the authority over life and death. As our Missionary Church Planters navigate their way through the pressures and struggles life provides, they can have peace knowing God will never leave them, nor forsake them (Hebrews 13:5). When it feels like your lifeline is gone, pray and watch as God does what only God can do in your life. He will never fail you.


Reach the Unreached and Become a Sender

 Will you be part of what God is doing today in East Africa?  Reach the Unreached by becoming a Sending Supporter today! Click the button below to join the Petros Network Movement to Reach the Unreached in the time we have left.


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