The TESFA Project is on a mission to break the cycle of poverty and chronic hunger among Ethiopia’s most vulnerable – impoverished widowed mothers – and offer a life of dignity and HOPE. The hardworking mothers in our program are determined to feed their children, safeguard their health and end their poverty.
It is because of this passion and mission that The TESFA Project—Women’s Empowerment Program launched a new microgrant savings program in 2018. During this launch, we onboarded 49 women into 5 different microgrant savings groups for their businesses. Each group started with a small amount to launch their business knowing that once they paid back their loan, the amount they could borrow again would double. Thus growing their business even further and with the help of the other women in their group, they could all succeed.
We are proud to announce that in a little over one year, every savings group has paid back their loans in full! This is an amazing achievement for these women and sets them on the trajectory for even greater success. A successful business for these women means food and education for their children, a home of their own, and respect in their community—something that they never had before as a widow in their culture.
Join us in congratulating these 49 women who are growing their businesses and creating a bright HOPE and future for their families!
— Rachelle Polits | Petros Network | Donor & Program Specialist