Download Your Free Guide Book for Missions in Your Church

Embrace God’s call for your church to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth.

The Great Commission is your invitation to participate in God’s redemptive plan for humanity, extending beyond geographical and cultural boundaries.

This resource is designed for churches like yours that desire to make a significant impact in reaching the unreached with the Good News of Jesus.

Your church has the potential to be a catalyst for change for those who have yet to experience the love of Jesus. This guide will help your church become a powerhouse for the Gospel and embrace God’s call to take Jesus to the ends of the earth.

How to Engage Your Church in Missions — a guide book for missions


How to Engage Your Church in Missions

Click to download our free guide book for missions: "How to Engage Your Church in Missions." This resource is designed for churches like yours that desire to make a significant impact in reaching the unreached with the Good News of Jesus.

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Understand the Call

Are we as Christians, losing sight of God’s call to reach all nations? is the Church treating the Great Commissions as merely a suggestion?

We Are Created For Good Works

Being created in Christ and designed for good works should motivate us to view missions as a core element of our Christian identity, not just an optional activity.

Cultivating a Missional Mindset

Creating a culture of missions within your church involves more than organizing occasional mission trips or supporting missionaries. It is about embedding a missional mindset into the fabric of your church…

Practical Steps to Launch a Missions Initiative

A church that emphasizes missions is a church highly bless-able by God. We have outlines 4 key steps to get you started…

Sustaining the Movement

Maintaining energy around your churches missions program is not just about the initial excitement and launch, it is about building upon the launch with regular missions features and opportunities for the congregation to get involved…

An African man laughing by putting his hand on heart


It can be hard to know how.

At Petros Network, we understand that tension. It’s why we partner with churches like yours to strategically and effectively introduce Jesus to the unreached world.

Our approach is designed to be a powerful, turnkey global missions program that allows kingdom-minded churches to respond to the call of Jesus for every believer and initiate incredible, sustainable impact.

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