SOUTH SUDAN is a war-torn, dangerous, and struggling country that desperately needs our prayers for peace. Each month we receive reports from our South Sudan Area Leader and our missionary church planters about the hardships they endure, and it breaks our hearts. However, in the midst of the turmoil, God is at work, and the people of South Sudan see His hand upon their lives!
All the Way From South Sudan
A Word From Our Area Coordinator
“I would like to inform you of the current situation concerning the line of communication in our country. The government has closed our main line of communication that covers the whole of South Sudan. Our ministries are operating in three big states and all of them are affected. Also, our movement in the country is very limited. Sometimes we go without a network connection for a month because of the government or because the power is out. As you are hearing the news about us, please— we need you to stand with us in prayer!

Pastor Martin Khamis, South Sudan Area Coordinator
We need non-stop prayer for South Sudan, for the leadership in the government, and for our churches! We are distressed but not destroyed! We face difficulties, but we are not deterred! We move by faith, believing that through your support we are strong both spiritually and physically. Concerning the Word of God, the Gospel is advancing by force, and we thank God for the grace He has given to us! We thank you for the love, prayers, and faithful support you have shown us! Be encouraged brothers and sisters because God is at work here!” —Pastor Martin Khamis
God Is at Work in South Sudan
Despite heavy persecution and extremely difficult conditions, God is reaching the lost and broken people of South Sudan right where they are at. People are understanding the Word of God for the first time and others are getting baptized in water. Our church planters wish for you to celebrate with them as they rejoice in what the Lord is doing. Since we launched into South Sudan in 2013 we have seen:
Testimonies of Hope
A Word From Our Missionary Church Planters

“Thank God for His love and protection! In the midst of difficulties, He is with us! People are being killed every day, and we do not know when it will stop. We are living by faith in God. Our everyday life is a testimony! When the morning comes, and we are still alive, we thank God. Hearing that other beloved people have been killed around South Sudan makes us realize all the more why the Gospel message needs to be preached in our country!” —Missionary Church Planter SS0115

“I am praying under a tree. We are surrounded by enemies, and we have no way of obtaining land to build a church. Please pray for peace in South Sudan. Pray for us to have comfort from the Lord and protection. Thank you so much Petros Network and my sponsor! You are the answer to our prayers! May the Lord Almighty bless the work of your hands and remember you on His day with a good reward.”—Missionary Church Planter SS0117
Sponsor Monthly
What if for just a few dollars each month you could: share God’s love in a practical way, help the poor and cause transformation in someone’s life? Would you be interested?
Partner With Us In Prayer
Join us in praying for peace in South Sudan and for blessing and safety for our leaders and church planters. They covet your prayers and are eternally grateful for your support—it’s what keeps them going through these difficult times.