Give to the David Martin Memorial Project

How Many?

PEOPLE will you reach…

SOULS will you save…

CHURCHES will you plant…


Billions will never know Jesus and the blessings of His Kingdom.

At Petros Network, we believe what you believe:

Where a person is born shouldn’t limit their access to the Gospel.

That’s why we partner with people like you to strategically share, show, and spread the Good News of Jesus among unreached and underserved people.

God doesn’t need you, but He wants you.


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An icon representing a church

Share Hope.

Sustainable change begins with hope. That’s why our approach is centered around equipping indigenous leaders to share their hope-filled faith and plant churches among their own people.


A hand icon with a small heart inside a flower.

Show Hope.

Compassion and care are a natural extension of a hope-filled life that overflows with the love of Christ. Our holistic approach seeks to address the needs of the whole person and community.


A cross icon inside a  circle

Spread Hope.

As the community lives out their hope-filled faith the result in transformation that spreads to neighboring communities.


The result is Redemptive Lift.

re·demp·tive lift

/rəˈdem(p)tiv/ /lift/

Redemptive Lift occurs when the Gospel comes to a village and believers begin to live out Kingdom principles as living proof of a loving God. Before long, entire villages, neighborhoods, and cities are transformed from places of hopelessness to places of peace and opportunity.

Together, how many more can we reach?


Because people matter— we celebrate lives transformed.

“This community is predominantly Muslim. Previously if someone believed in Jesus Christ, they could kill him or he would have fled somewhere to avoid danger from his community. This is now changing! People come to us looking for prayer for their problems!

This year alone God has helped me to share and show the gospel in places that have been previously highly persecuted and closed off to the gospel.”


Church Planter, South Ethiopia

“I am a widowed mother of 6 children, and I am living with HIV/AIDS. Before joining Petros Network’s Women’s Empowerment Program I made just enough for 2 meals a day and my rent. I had no money for school materials for my children. Often I cried, hiding myself from my children. ‘What will happen to my children if I die? Who could help us to get out of this nightmare?’ I had no hope.

The training I received through the women’s program has opened my eyes. I now have hope! I can now fulfill the needs of my family.


Women's Empowerment Participant, Ethiopia

“One day I went out for evangelism and kept walking till I found a lady with a rope in her hand. After I greeted her I asked her if she had time to talk with me, to which she agreed. I asked her why she had a rope? She told me she had given up on life due to many reasons, and she was on her way to kill herself. I then told her about the hope and love she can have from Jesus Christ, if she invited Him into her life. I helped her to receive Jesus as her personal Savior and she went back to her home. She is now attending our church.”


Church Planter, East Ethiopia

Have questions?


Why are there still areas that are unreached?

An Unreached People Group is an ethnic group with less than 2% evangelical presence. An unreached people group lacks enough followers of Christ and resources to evangelize their own people. Today, there are 7,033 unreached people groups.

That means 42.5% of the global population are classified as unreached.

How will I know my gift is making a difference?

When you invest with Petros Network, we will report to you the results of the church planter, the widowed woman, and the vulnerable child you have sponsored. We believe that through us, you will experience an unequaled return on missional investment, both in time and in eternity.

Are there other organizations doing what you’re doing?

Yes and no. No, in the sense that Petros Network has a unique missiology and methodology. But yes, as we are discovering, God is raising up like-minded organizations that are dedicated to reaching the unreached around the world. That fact convinces us that we are a part of a new movement of the Holy Spirit to finish the task of reaching the last place and the past person on earth who has not heard the Good News before Jesus returns.

Still have questions? Let’s talk!


Give a gift that multiplies.

It’s an honor to serve with you.

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Click “give now” to explore a few ways to partner with Petros Network, as a US 501(c)(3) organization or registered Canadian charity.

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We love to celebrate an Eternal Difference

Know you're making an eternal difference.

We can’t wait to celebrate with you as the light of hope continues to permeate the unreached nooks and crannies of a world that God entrusted to us.

It’s an honor to serve with you.

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