The Petros Network Leadership Institute
Over the last decade, Petros Network has partnered with 53 denominations to train leaders and plant churches in East Africa. Â The results have been phenomenal with hundreds of thousands of people coming to Christ, but now there is a new challenge before us! We are in desperate need to provide Bibles, education, and Christian materials to help train indigenous pastors and leaders to disciple this incredible harvest. We believe a trained leader is the HOPE of Africa and we need your help to launch a Bible Diploma Program through the Petros Network Leadership Institute as well as provide Bibles to new believers.
Petros Network has partnered with Africa’s Hope and Addis Ababa Bible College (ABC) to translate and provide Bible curriculum to East Africa in the language of the people. Â The curriculum is 24 courses or 72 credits delivered over 2 to 3 years. Our goal is to help translate each course into Oromia, Amharic, Somali, and Arabic. Upon completion of the coursework, students will receive a certified Bible Diploma that allows them to matriculate into a BA. Â For many indigenous church planters, this is a dream come true as education is valued in Africa.
Church Planters will also be able to receive a certificate in Transformational Leadership through the Petros Network Leadership Institute. Â The combination of the Bible Diploma and the Leadership Certificate has the power to change the spiritual trajectory of Africa for eternity.
Over 1000 church planters are on the list to receive this training, but they are unable to do it alone. Won’t you help us with a one-time gift or a recurring gift of just $35 a month to help train a church planter? The gift of education is POWERFUL! Every gift counts!